Got 'Lock' - Subversion
Tadi dapet pengalaman baru lagi :D Terkait dengan masalah subversioning. Kalo kemaren masalah commit yang Attempt to Write A Read Only Database, sekarang giliran mau commit file, tapi gak bisa gara gara file/ folder kita di-lock.Saya kurang tau kenapa hal tersebut terjadi. Padahal yang baru edit cuman saya thok. Pun, saya tidak melakukan proses 'lock' pada file/ folder — saya jarang maen fitur itu. Tapi yang jelas saya gak bisa commit maupun update. Damn. I didn't do anything bad.. Setelah saya ke Google bentar, saya dapat pencerahan. Still not sure about 'thing' I got from Google. Just tried it, just maybe I'm lucky enough :D And,, Yeah! Indeed, I was.
['How to' Section]
- The way out is just simple. Right click at your working-copy-folder. In the menu, get and click the 'Clean Up'
- Once it's finished, try to access the repo. Do commit and/ or update. You'd be able to do so.
Isn't that simple? :)
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When I did commit, it failed.. :( The file/ folder were locked |