Android : Install An Apk File On The Android SDK Emulator

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 0 Comments

Hmm... I forgot to share this. Another experienced when I with Android :D So, with an Android gadget, we could freely install apps from market. But.. unfortunately, unlike the 'real gadget', we couldn't use the Android Market to install apps.

There is another way to do so.

['How To' Section]
Do a googling to find some apk files (Android app file), then show time :
  1. Make sure your Android Emulator is ON. 
  2. Go to the platform-tools folder. Copy your apk file to this folder
  3. Via terminal, point to the platform-tools folder, and type this:
    ./adb install your_apk_file.apk
Done. Simple isn't it? :) Ciaoo..

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Do you think I forgot to change this text? No, dude. I did it on purpose ahahahay..