My Gallery : Katya inside

Thursday, August 18, 2011 0 Comments

— Another story with Katya.

Who the hell is Katya?
She is the codename for Linux Mint 11.04, which built based on Ubuntu. It's nice one I think. The recent Ubuntu (Code : 11.04, Name : Natty Narwhal), is 'ugly' using its unity. I didn't like it so much since the first time it brought into Ubuntu. Even though I could choose the desktop environtment/ session from the login screen, but I just don't like it. Linux Mint 'Katya' is my choice then.
Why using the damn Linux Mint?
  1. Multimedia package included
  2. Java included
  3. Nice
  4. Based on the newest Ubuntu.
  5. Most Ubuntu new feature
  6. I like it.
Here you are. Some screenshots of Linux Mint 'Katya' that I've modified a 'lil bit. Click to enlarge :

Compiz effect

Still compiz effect demos :D

Gimp 2.7 splash-screen with background Terminal and Pidgin

My Desktop screen-cap


Chrome - not installed by default.

I am a manga lovers :D
Not installed by default.

Firefox 6. Default is Firefox 4.

GEdit - The text editor

Gimp. Old style

Gimp. Single window display

Nautilus. Using nautilus elementary is seems so simple and nice ^.^ 

Software Manager

Software Manager Splash Screen

Nautilus using clutterflow. Nice..

Nautilus with Terminal embedded :D

Nautilus with extra-pane version

That's is. Enjoy it. Love it :D

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Do you think I forgot to change this text? No, dude. I did it on purpose ahahahay..