My Gallery : Katya inside
— Another story with Katya.Who the hell is Katya?
She is the codename for Linux Mint 11.04, which built based on Ubuntu. It's nice one I think. The recent Ubuntu (Code : 11.04, Name : Natty Narwhal), is 'ugly' using its unity. I didn't like it so much since the first time it brought into Ubuntu. Even though I could choose the desktop environtment/ session from the login screen, but I just don't like it. Linux Mint 'Katya' is my choice then.
Why using the damn Linux Mint?
- Multimedia package included
- Java included
- Nice
- Based on the newest Ubuntu.
- Most Ubuntu new feature
- I like it.
Compiz effect
Still compiz effect demos :D
Gimp 2.7 splash-screen with background Terminal and Pidgin
My Desktop screen-cap
Chrome - not installed by default.
I am a manga lovers :D
Not installed by default.
Firefox 6. Default is Firefox 4.
GEdit - The text editor
Gimp. Old style
Gimp. Single window display
Nautilus. Using nautilus elementary is seems so simple and nice ^.^
Software Manager
Software Manager Splash Screen
Nautilus using clutterflow. Nice..
Nautilus with Terminal embedded :D
Nautilus with extra-pane version